Brad, Dan and Scott's Sailing Adventure

"There she is boys! The SS More Powerful than Superman, Batman, Spiderman, and the Incredable Hulk combined." This space will be used to post updates of our odyssey.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

By the time you read this, we will be in the United States.

Kaleidoscope left Nassau before sunrise on June 4th and is now crossing the Gulf Stream under relatively calm conditions. The next piece of land we see will be the United States. Tropical Storm Berry cleared the area of bad weather for a few days and we took advantage. The entire passage has been calm and relaxing for the crew, unlike the last passage. Leaving George Town, after filling the boat with food and water and enjoying dinner aboard "Dream Catcher", we made the questionable decision to stockpile a gallon of wine and a bottle of rum within our blood streams the night before a sunrise departure. Josh had the worst of it, spending much of the next morning hanging over the lifelines dry-heaving while we pounded through wind and waves. Thankfully, he decided to use the downwind side this time. The only other time, off the coast of the Dominican Republic, Forest could identify Josh's dinner as it hit him at the helm.

Once again, the sea has provided all of our offshore meals, no more uncooked pasta and Ramen noodles for Kaleidoscope.

Very soon we will be in the land of cheap beer, cheap food, cheap fuel, free water, adequate transportation, and cell phone service. Also the land of dirty, polluted water, materialism and police officers that make you put navigation lights on your dinghy.

There is a lot to be done before we can leave this boat, so hold off on the welcome home party. Repairs, woodwork, and a daunting amount of cleaning need to be done before the boat is saleworthy. Then a boatload of stuff needs to be loaded onto a U-Haul, literally. This is all contigent on us finding someone to sell the boat and a place to sell it around here. If we can't, then it's around the corner 250 miles to Tampa.


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